Sharpen the saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
What I think this metaphor means is to practice. If you practice everyday then you'll be more experience that's what is means by sharpening the saw. It can be by any four social/emotional, spiritual, mental, or physical. Here is a physical example, if I practice everyday in soccer than more likely than not I will be better. By practicing it will increase my production on the field. I like this example on sports, but you can use it in education. Like when you're studying for that final exam, so you study all night. By studying all night you are sharpening the saw for the exam you are about to take. This is a great example because it shows how you can sharpen the saw physical or mentally. Spiritual example can be you studying your religion so you can be at peace with GOD. Another way to sharpen the saw socially and emotionally can be by helping out other so your emotions and their emotions are at peace. Theses examples are great because it shows you how to use them in the real world.