Monday, April 30, 2018

The Pyramid of Success (Patience)

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(good things take time)
Having patience is a great quality because its shows you can be calm and collective in any situation. People who have patience are more likely going to a better job because they will take their time in finishing. Patience shows that you can be a leader because you won't get irritated while people are talking all at the same time. Like leaders of teams have to deal with others messing around and put them to work. Another good example of patience are Moms. Moms have to deal with kids and have patience with them. I always try to have patience. It's always come natural to me. Another example of patience are coaches when they have to deal with players. For example, when a player says he wants to start, but isn't as good as he says he is. This causes conflict which then the coach has to come in a settle everyone down. Patience is a quality that everyone show learn.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Pyramid of Success (Faith)

                                                 (through prayer)
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.
Having faith is great because it provides hope. Hope gives you this satisfaction that you'll get through anything. Having faith in yourself gives you confidence that you'll pull through and succeed. Believe in yourself and you will accomplish anything. Always having that positive mentally which gives others a positive mentally.Faith can also mean believing in a religion. For example, in basketball games coaches give the ball to the one they have most faith in. For example, yesterday the Cavs coach gave the ball to Lebron James in the final 3 seconds. Why? Well  because he has the utter most faith in him to make the shot. Guess what happen, Lebron made the shot. This is just having faith in his go to scorer.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Pyramid of Success (Integrity)

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 (purity of intention)
Integrity is having great moral and having pure intentions. Integrity is a great quality because it shows that you are honest and have great morals. Everyone can have integrity, but only a very few use it on a daily basis. People that have integrity are loyal and honest. And people with integrity get more jobs. For example, If i am interviewing two men to be the manager of my company. One of the two men meets all the requirements, but he is not always honest and tell a fib. On the other hand, you have a person who doesn't meet all the requirement, but he has integrity. Ill rather hire the guy who isn't as qualified but won't tell me any lies. Also when you donate money to someone. You give it to them with the purest of intention. Not because in church they say could be Jesus asking for money. 

Friday, April 20, 2018

The Pyramid of Success (Competitive Greatness)

Competitive Greatness 
Image result for the pyramid of success

" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
Having Competitive greatness is a great quality because it shows that you will show up in the biggest moments. For example, the Toronto Raptors have a history of playing well in the regular season, but once the play offs start they choke. While on the other hand, teams like the Cleveland Cavaliers that don't do as well step up in the play offs and have that competitive greatness to live up greatness in big moments. I like to think that I have competitive greatness because in my soccer team when the team needed me to guard the other teams best player I did. Not only is it having competitive greatness its also having confidence. Confidence in shooting a penalty, game winning shot or home run.  People that have competitive greatness look for these big moments. They want to win the game for the team. Competitive greatness also works in school. When studying for finals you try harder then ever because you want the grade. This shows that you have an extra gear to better yourself. Striving for the best and nothing less.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Pixlr Editor

The Pyramid of Success (Fight)

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(determined effort)
I like the word fight as described determined. Fight tells me that you try your very best in anything. I see fight mostly in sports because no team wants to lose. When they get to the point of defeat they show that grit and fight to get through obstacles. For example, when a team is down like the Patriots in the Super Bowl vs the Falcons. The Patriots showed  us that determined effort to win and not let a little adversity beat them. When I am playing a sport like soccer I always try my best so if my team loses then at least I know I tried my best of effort. This gives me a little more confidence if my teammates work a little harder then we will win the next game.  People that have fight in them are more determine to win, This also shows that they want to win. Fight also determines which team wants it more like running for them 50/50 balls, sliding on the floor for the ball. I really like this quote that is so true "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work as hard".  

The Pyramid of Success (Reliability)

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(creates respect)
Reliability is a great trait because it shows that you are responsible. When you are responsible and asked to do something then others will believe that you are reliable. It also bridges that gap of not knowing someone and it creates a mutual respect for one another. For example, In my school we have to bring breakfast up to the classroom ,so you have to have someone that is early and reliable. Reliability is also in basketball. For example, when its a last second situation you have to have someone reliable to take and make the last shot. This gets you respect and now other teams will start to defend you differently. I always try to be reliable like when someone ask me to do something I do it right away because it shows that I care. It also warrants me trust. People will realize that I am trustworthy and you can ask him anything. This shows that you guys will have a respect. It shows that you are hardworking and determined.