Monday, October 30, 2017

Importance of Setting Goals

Setting Goals 
Image result for setting goalsImage result for setting goals
Setting goals are important ,because it helps you keep yourself on track to meet the goals you have set. Setting goals also help you see if the goal is measurable. While setting goals you also need to keep track of your goals and make sure you your goal is attainable. For example, I can remember a time when I set a goal to come to school everyday and by setting my goal I kept my goal on track to see if I was attaining it. I also made my goal measurable because I seen many kids perfect attendance. You need make it attainable because some people just write goals they don make sure it's attainable or measurable. For example, let say my goal is to lose 10 pounds in one week. That goal is not attainable, because no one is losing 10 pounds in a week. A more realistic way to write would be I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 months. I just found this picture that states make goals that are specific, measurable, attainable,realistic, and timely.

The Six Rules to make people like you

Image result for dale carnegieImage result for dale carnegie six rules to make people like you
The six rules to make people like you are crucial in the real world. All the six ways help you become more likeable. For example Being genuinely interested in others conversation make you look smarter and more people will like you because they will come to you for advice. Smiling is another way to make people like you because it makes the other person feel comfortable.  Also by remembering people's names it makes people feel like they are important. You need to be a good listener so you can input in the other person conversation.Talking in terms of another man's interest helps you get their perspective. Finally, making the other person feel important will allow you to talk about themselves. All the six have been working for me as I started to implement them into my life. They have been making me more of confident person when talking to others.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Medical School Research Stanford

Medical School of Stanford 
Image result for stanfordImage result for stanford
1) Stanford is located 291 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305
2)Stanford requirements: MCAT,a degree prior to applying 
3)Tuition: will be an estimate 50,000 dollars 
4)Degree: Mostly medical related 
5)Specialized: in getting PhD's in the medical field 
6)Would I like to attend Stanford, from my perspective no, because I want to Major in accounting,and business. So why would I want to go to a medical school. I mean do not get me wrong Stanford is one of the best schools, but just not for my major. If I wanted to be a doctor well then I would want to got Stanford, but I don't. So I have to look at schools that are ranked high in what I want to Major in. What I want to major in is accounting, so I need to go to schools with a high ranked in business and accounting. I would need to go to a school like Bentley University.

SIx Rules To Make People Like You (Make the other person feel comfortable and do it sincerely)

Make the other person feel comfortable and do it sincerely
Image result for dale carnegieImage result for Making people feel comfortable
Being sincere helps someone believe that you are a genuine person. By being sincere you are making the other person feel more comfortable. This will lead to a more interesting conversation. This is a great trait because if you make them feel comfortable, then they are more likely to open up. When you can make people open up it makes them know you actually care. For example, someone can just fake it and not be genuine when talking to you. They will most likely be using sarcasm because they don't know how to make you feel comfortable. Someone that will usually always be genuine and make you feel comfortable will be your mother. She is usually always there for when you need her. I go to her when I need something.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Six Rules To Make People Like You ( Talk in terms of the other man's interest)

Talk in terms of the other man's interest
Image result for dale carnegieImage result for looking in different perspectives
What I believe this means is being able to talk about things than yourself. See what others like and have a conversation about that. It shows manners and makes you look intelligent because of the level of interest you have. I have another theory that it means to be open minded. Being open minded helps you see things in a different perspective. If you never talk about others interest then later they become the same as you and just talk about themselves. Having an ability like that will help in the long run. It will make people want to talk to you, because you are very rational.When you about others interest you can get ideas from others and make your own idea. This will make a very successful person with a lot of knowledge.