Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."
Team spirit is great because if you have great team spirit then others will fed off of your spirit. When you have team spirit it usually means that it is important what you are doing. Having team spirit is a leadership quality that needs to be strengthened. You need team spirit to keep everyone motivated and ready to work. Team spirit builds chemistry through the rough times. If you do not have team spirit what usually happens is that the team loses focus. For example, let's say I am the leader of kids that are learning how to play soccer. The most important thing is condition. Now I can do it by making run laps with no team bonding or I can make them do relays and race each other. This is a great way to get them conditioned because they will be talking in the lines and having that team spirit. This shows that team spirit is used in any scenario in life from kids to adults. Team spirit everyone has to have that drive.