Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Computer Related Inventions

Computer Related Invention 
Some of the best and greatest computer inventions are video games, google and the internet. Video are on of the best computer related inventions because nowadays you can play with others. Not only can you play with others but you can communicate with others using a headset or microphone. Video games are fun because it gives you some time to relax from the real world. Another great computer related invention is google. Google allows you to search the web and use apps from google. All you need to do is make a gmail account. Google provides you with many resources that are free to use. This is what makes so popular. Finally the internet because not one company owns the internet they use the internet make others pay for the services. The internet allows you to get quick and fast answers 

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation 
  1. In my ECS class I had a wonderful time. Some aspects that I liked were that we reinforced our skill of typing. We always learned valuable lessons from Brain Tracey to Denis Waitley. We learned how to become better as a person. Especially with John Wooden's pyramid of success. Also always getting time to fill out goals in our goals journal. 
  2. Some aspects that I didn't like about my ECS class was that the work began to become repetitive. I always look at the bright side but it just gets repetitive. I also didn't like that we would spend ages on writing reflections. 
  3. Some recommendation to improve your class are keeping everything you do new and unique. Also adding more hands on assignments to improve our knowledge about computer science.
  4. I always read my life planning goals journal everyday. I will continue this because it has allowed me to be successful in school. I also like the fact of keeping track on what goals I want to achieve. 
  5. I am committed to be a CTR student all the time because it helps me keep my morals. I like to choose the right decision every time I have a decision. I will always be a CTR student because I always want to be above the line.
  6. I will teach others that ECS is a great class to take if you are interested in. Its the way of the future with everyone going digital. This class will help in the future with typing creating websites learning Html tags. 
  7. Definitely the Life Planning Goals Journal. Writing in it everyday, having my goals and my thoughts in one journal. This has me reflect and achieve in all aspects of life in general.

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Ten Qualities of a Total Winner (Positive Action)

Positive Action 
Total winners take positive action in their business and with their friends and family. They are uplifting and motivating individuals who inspire the best from themselves and other
To have positive self action is by always seeing the business aspect of it. Having positive action allows you make people's day better. You will inspire them to their best. I try to have positive action so that everyone around me has a good day. One person I know who is always putting everyone in a good mood is my teacher Mr.Haymore. He is always in great uplifting mood. I appreciate everything he does to keep a positive mindset. I strive to be like him all my life. People that have positive action take action and are always positive in whatever they do. They always have positive action towards their families and family.